Support Us

Fundraising activities held to raise money for the Neurosurgery Dept at Children’s Health Ireland include; running marathons and taking part in other sporting events, charity fun nights, wedding favours, cake sales, raffles and lots of fun events. Click here for details of how you can get involved.

You can make a donation to the Neurosurgery Unit at CHI at Temple Street by Email: or  01 709 1700 and state how you wish your donation to be used or make a cheque payable to Children’s Health Foundation and post to the below address with a note to say you wish the donation to go towards services in the Neurosurgery Unit.

Address: 14-18 Drimnagh Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 D12 HX96 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm

To give a general donation to CHI at Temple Street online click here

If you would like to help us please contact  or  for advice please.